Volunteer Champions

CSV Volunteering campaign

CSV, the UK’s Volunteering and Learning charity, have just launched a lovely campaign that I wanted to share with you.

The campaign is called Volunteer Champions, and has been launched to celebrate the people all over the country (and indeed the world) who quietly give up their time to try and make the world a better place.

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Street Art: sell it to me

This is an updated version of a guest post that originally appeared over at Thinly Spread last year. Big thank you to Christine for allowing me to republish it over here.

I don’t know if you’ve been following the most recent drama surrounded Banksy, but these two stories story sum it up quite well. Basically, a Banksy mural ‘disappeared’ from a wall in London, and fairly shortly afterwards it appeared for auction in the States. A debate has raged about whether street art belongs to anyone, whether it counts as theft if you remove art that was created illegally in the first place, whether street art makes sense if it’s removed from its original setting and context, whether preservation of street art is something we should be trying to achieve… and numerous other questions along those lines.

Personally, I think that street art really does only make sense if it’s, erm, in the street. Take a look at the incredible evolution of this piece, which provides a a visual documentation of the feud between Banksy and Robbo, and would not have been possible if an art collector had come along and removed it in its first incarnation.

In relation to the most recent debate, I think that an artwork that was widely interpreted as a comment on last year’s Jubilee celebrations makes much more sense if it’s left on the wall of a Poundland in Haringey than it would do in the living room of a wealthy collector, but that’s just me. I don’t make any claims to be an art expert, I just like to look at it. (And point you in the direction of posts that support my view…) Continue reading


One of my earliest posts on DorkyMum was about DorkySon’s love of sticking things in his scrapbook. Or doing ‘Cut Stick Glue’ as he called it.

We used to spend hours going through magazines and newspapers, cutting out pictures then pasting them into his book. It was a great way of expanding his vocabulary and talking about the things he found interesting in the world.

Unfortunately, that passion seems to have waned. He still likes making the occasional collage for people by cutting out pictures and arranging them on a piece of card or paper, but these days he’s only interested in photos of cars and trucks. The extended DorkyFamily can all look forward to getting transport and building site themed Christmas cards this year…

Anyway. I’m wondering if I should maybe carry on DorkySon’s mantle and start scrapbooking myself.

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Wearing your Tweets with Pride

tweet necklace twitter necklace

I had a lovely lunch with my friend Emily from The Startup Wife today. DorkySon and Emily’s son O are a similar age and are very cute to watch together. Her other son M is quite possibly the most adorable, laid back toddler I’ve ever met, with a smile that would shatter even the stoniest of hearts.

DorkySon and O were as excited as ever about the pizza, chips and ice cream that they always order in this restaurant. And I will confess that as well as being pleased to see Emily, I was *very* excited about seeing the ‘data necklace‘ which her husband Stef had given her last week.
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Remember the Mystery Paper Sculptor…?

If you’re a resident of Edinburgh, or just a fan of mysteries, you’ve probably heard of the Mystery Paper Sculptor. An anonymous artist left beautiful, delicate sculptures in various arts venues around Edinburgh.  It has been written about extensively in the Edinburgh press and blogging community, so I wont re-hash – but if you want the cockles of your heart to be thoroughly warmed, then read all about it here. Or here. Or indeed here. Edinburgh photographer Chris Scott – also known as the literary paparazzo – has taken some great shots of the sculptures, which you can see on Flickr.

It is a wonderful story, and for me it really sums up Edinburgh – the importance of arts, of books, of community and generosity of spirit.

We thought the story was finished. But guess what? It’s not.
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