What are the best last lines in literature?

Sheet of lined paper with 'The End' typed on it.

The Washington Post recently published a ‘best last lines in fiction’ article, and it was exactly as predictable as you’d expect. Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye (which I adore, but still…), Grapes of Wrath, Gone with the Wind, Huckleberry Finn, The Sun Also Rises etc etc. A veritable who’s who of the literary canon, but not many surprises.

I decided to pull together an alternative version with my own top 10 favourite last lines.

You can read mine below – a mixture of serious and silly – and then I’d love you to leave your own favourite in the comments. Continue reading

This is how you found me in 2015

When it’s getting towards the end of the year, one of my favourite things to do is check out the search terms that people have used to land on the blog. It has become a bit less fun since Google started to hide theirs, since that’s where most of my traffic comes from, and the most popular search terms are usually quite dull: Ruth Dawkins, Young Dawkins, DorkyMum and the like.

But even so, there are usually a few in there that make me scratch my head and laugh, and this year is no exception… I hope if any of these were you then you found what you were looking for.

Blog Terms

15 things I’ve been doing instead of blogging

My Wife is Blogging This caption tshirt

DorkyDad went to Canberra for a work event earlier this week, and on his way out the door to the airport he said to me, “You have to write a DorkyMum post. Even if it’s just a post about why you’re not blogging, you have to blog…

So I’m doing what I’m told. (Pretty sure it’s just because he wants an excuse to wear this nifty t-shirt I bought him a few years ago…) But anyway, here are some things I’ve done over the last six weeks, none of which are blogging. Continue reading

My Word for 2014: A Reflection

journal writing

This time last year I did Susannah Conway’s Unravelling The Year workbook, which is a really helpful exercise that I’ve now done for three years running. It is an opportunity to sit down and reflect on the year that has just passed, celebrating your personal and professional achievements, and working out how you want to build on those the following year. If you have the chance to take a look I’d definitely recommend it.

As part of the workbook, I also chose my Word for 2014, which was Learning.

There were lots of things I wanted to learn. I wanted to learn more about the new place we had just moved to, to learn alongside DorkySon as he started kindergarten, to learn more about my own strengths and weaknesses, and to learn how to strengthen and energise my relationship with DorkyDad.

I can’t quite believe how quickly the last twelve months have gone. But at the same time when I look back at the blog posts I’ve written, the photos I’ve taken, and the memories we’ve made, I can’t believe how much we’ve packed into the year either.

How did the learning go?

Well, not bad. Continue reading

An Invitation

Folklings collage

This is an invitation to come and have a look – if you haven’t already – at a lovely new site that I’m involved with.

Folklings is a quiet little corner of the internet which gets updated every Monday with content curated by fifteen different bloggers around the world. Some of us love fashion, some of us love cooking, some of us love words, some of us love art… What we all have in common is a love of simple, but creative living, and we try to reflect that in the things we share.

Like so many good things in blogland, it is the brainchild of Annie from Manneskjur, and I’m delighted to be a part of it.

If you’re in need of inspiration, or just fancy ten minutes exploring something new, please come over and say hello.