My month without social media

A Month without social media

*peers into the gloom*

Do I still have any readers after my month off? I hope so. I’ve missed you!

Giving up Facebook and Twitter for a month was surprisingly easy, but giving up DorkyMum was hard. I’ve filled half a notebook with scribblings that need to be turned into proper posts over the next few weeks, but I thought I would start with a few reflections on the four-week social media detox. Continue reading

My One Month Social Media Detox

social media diet

For all the years that we have known each other, DorkyDad and I have done a January detox. It is usually much needed. Like most people, we fill our cupboards even fuller than usual over the Christmas holidays, with booze, biscuits and other unnecessaries.

Come the New Year, our bodies are practically begging us for a break. So we both give up alcohol for the month, step up our exercise regimes, and cut back as far as we can on carbs and candy.

After a grumpy, jumpy first week, we tend to find that we are sleeping much better, feeling more clear-headed and starting to lose our little festive potbellies. We finish the month feeling refreshed and energetic, ready to face the rest of the year.

We are doing all that again this January, but two weeks in I don’t feel like it is enough. My body is definitely feeling much better. But my brain? Meh. Not so much. It still feels overloaded. I am not in the calm and relaxed place that I should be. I am craving peace, and space, and silence.

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Facebook: Let’s be Friends

Today’s guest post is from lovely Rach over at Mid 30s Life. You can find her blogging here and tweeting here.

I’m not a Facebook expert.  I probably annoy the pants off more than one of my Facebook friends.   In fact the last time I went to de-friend someone, I realised he had de-friended me first (nooo!).

But if you were to say to me, “Rachel – give us your Facebook tips or the world’s worst hair stylist will give you one of their specials,” this is what I’d come up with.  I’m talking about your personal Facebook page, not a blog or company page.
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London 2012 – seen through social media

We are off on a DorkyHoliday this week, but I’ve got a few guest posts lined up to keep the blog busy. This rather fabulous one that I’m kicking off with is from Being Mrs C, who you can find blogging here and tweeting here.

When Sir Tim Berners-Lee appeared in the London Olympics opening ceremony there were probably a fair few people watching around the world who wondered who he was and why he was there. Being the geeky engineering type that I am I knew exactly who he was (I’ve even seem him speak once) but even still I thought the idea of celebrating the role of the internet and all things digital in an Olympic opening ceremony a bit surprising. But then again so was the inclusion of Mr Bean and Her Majesty the Queen parachuting in!
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