Tuesday Treats

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Tuesday Treats is a roundup of top blog posts and articles which is curated on a rotating basis by me, Chris at Thinly Spread, Lizzie at Me and My Shadow, and Becky at A Beautiful Space. For a while we did it as a weekly post and then we moved to monthly, but at the moment, because we’re all such busy ladies, it’s an as-and-when kind of thing!

In this world where women will sit around discussing the various topiary shapes of their bikini waxes, the conversation about money (or privilege) is the one we never have.” — Beyond the Margins

So there. I admit it. My name is David, and I am addicted to salt.” — Cocoa and Lavender 

It is 2014. iPhones were introduced 7 years ago. Now, half of Americans own smartphones. We should probably embrace what is here and use it to our advantage, rather than fighting with reality.” — Hipmombrarian’s Blog

Date a girl who makes castles float on water, who can make it hotter or colder with just one toe, who knows that small yellow ducks do more than float, they listen.” — Elephant Journal

The worst acronym is BFP. “Big fat positive.” Oh god help me. Just say “positive pregnancy test” and move on.” — Renegade Mothering

I liked to do her hair. Even as a three year old she would let me play with it. I’d try to put the rollers in. Later, she’d sit patiently while I blow-dried it. Once, I made her look like a silver-haired Meat Loaf.” —Mother’s Always Right

This wasn’t any ordinary flat, this was a crucible made of magical stuff; where gold was fashioned from waste basket junk, where sapphires poured from the bathroom tap, where dreams bubbled in fairy wisps of kettle steam…” — Older Mum in a Muddle

I love everything there is to love about Scotland: its music, football, Hogmanay, Skye, salmon leaps, pokey wee pubs, mid-winter queues at ice-cream booths next to duck ponds, Ivor Cutler and random bus-stop banter.” — Bella Caledonia

Of course I should use my fork correctly and not stab my sister in the eye with it. I am sorry mummy I will use it to eat my food properly straight away.” — The Only Way is Melbourne

I lie sometimes. For fun. I taught my children that sheep that have been recently shorn are called Shauns. And that the Swedish for light bulb is ‘Lighty bulben’ (which it may well be for all I know.)” — Ramblings of a Formerly Rock n Roll Mum

When the Vicar marvelled over a recipe for ‘Penis Stew’ in a Two Fat Ladies’ cookbook, my mother roamed the Home Counties in search of an abattoir that would supply a bull’s glory to expand his culinary repertoire.” — Adventures of a Middle-Aged Matron


I hope you enjoy some of my picks. I’m always on the lookout for new blogs to follow, so if there’s anything that you’ve read and loved recently, please leave me a link in the comments below. And if you’re a regular blog reader please do consider nominating some of your favourites in the BritMums Brilliance in Blogging Awards. The first round of nominations is open until April 12th.

20 responses

  1. I’ve just been reading some of these – some really great posts; you’ve been reading wide and far haven’t you? Lovely to find some new great blogs! And thank you very much for including me – I feel honoured. X

  2. I’ve just read every single one of these! I’m on my social media detox and my inbox has been super quiet until your email popped in my box. I couldn’t delete it 😉 Thanks for making me cheat (just a little).

  3. Thank you so much for including me in this wonderful list. I am about halfway through and am enjoying them all so much. Humor can really heal, eh? I am sorry to have been M.I.A. lately… We just launched a $1.5 billion capital campaign yesterday – check that with DorkyDad and he will know the h-e-double hockey sticks I have been through! I should be back on track now and look forward to all my back issues of DorkyMum! xox

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